Life isn't about keeping score.
It's not about how many friends you have
Or how accepted you are.
Not about if you have plans this weekend or if you're alone.
It isn't about who you're dating, who you used to date,
How many people you've dated, or if you haven't been
With anyone at all.

It isn't about who you have kissed,
It isn't about who your family is or
How much money they have
Or what kind of car you drive.
Or where you are sent to school.
It's not about how beautiful or ugly you are.
Or what clothes you wear, what shoes you have on,
Or what kind of music you listen to.

It's not about if your hair is blonde, red, black, or brown,
Or if your skin is too light or too dark.
Not about what grades you get how smart you are, how smart
Everybody else thinks you are, or how smart
Standardized tests say you are.
It's not about what clubs you're in or how good
You are at "your" sport.
It's not about representing your whole being on a piece of
Paper and seeing who will "accept the written you."

Life just isn't.

Life is about who you love and who you hurt.
It's about who you make happy or unhappy purposely.
It's about keeping or betraying trust.
It's about friendship, used as a sanctity or as a weapon.
It's about what you say and mean, maybe hurtful, maybe heartening.
It's about starting rumors and contributing to petty gossip.
It's about what judgments you pass and why.
And who your judgments are spread to.
It's about who you've ignored with full control and intention.
It's about jealousy, fear, ignorance, and revenge.
It's about carrying inner hate and love, letting it grow
And spreading it.
But most of all, it's about using your life to touch or poison
Other people's hearts in such a way that could have
Never occurred alone.
Only you choose the way those hearts are affected, and those
Choices are what life's all about.


6 Secrets of Life



  • Live Today!

"There are two eternities

that can really

break you down.

Yesterday and tomorrow.

One is gone and the

other doesn't exist...

So live today"

  • Marriage!

"Do not marry a person

that you know

that you can live with;

only marry someone

that you

cannot live without"

  • Money!

"Money can buy


but not happiness"

  • Trust!

"It take years to build trust

and a few seconds

to destroy it"

  • Don't Hurt Anyone!

"It only take a few seconds

to hurt people you love;

and it can take years to heal"

  • Value!

"What is most valuable is not

what you have in your life

but who you have in your life"




The Power of Attitude



  • Dreams

"A journey of a thousand miles

begins with a singles step"

  • Purpose

"Your vision becomes clear

when you look inside your heart"

  • Passion

"Belief fuel passion, and...

passion rarely fails"

  • Courage

"Courage does not always roar

Sometimes it is the quite voice

at the end of the day,

saying, " I will try again tomorrow"

  • Goals

"Take the long view..

one day at a time"

  • Stay Positive

"You become what

you think about"

  • Simplify

'Things that matter most

must never be at

the mercy of things

that matter least"

  • Laughter

"Laughter is sunshine

in any life

Laughter is your hearts way

of telling your face to smile"

  • Expect the Best

"It's a funny thing about life;

if you refuse to accept

anything but the best,

you very often get it"

  • Kindness

"It's not the things you get,

but the heart you touch,

that will determine

your succes in life"

  • Sing Your Song

"A bird does not sing

because it has an answer

It sings because it has a song"

  • Love

"Love doesn;t make  the world go round

Love is what makes

the ride worthwhile"

  • Renewal

"The will to win, the will to achieve..

goes dry and arid without

continuous renewal"



In many way we are alike, however one little difference, always makes a big difference.

The little difference is..





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